Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tax Day Tomorrow

There are a lot of blogs and articles out there about taxes, fiscal responsibility, and the like. When considering the bleak financial outlook of our country, I get a sick feeling. I honestly believe some dramatic changes are necessary. Continuing to widen the base of the pyramid by expanding tax cuts and growing the number of Americans paying no income tax from 40% to 50% is not a wise move.

I like the concept outlined by Ari Fleischer here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123958260423012269.html

If you pay taxes, you'll find the statistics about how much the base has widened even under GWB from 2001 to 2005 interesting considering how we're told only the upper class received tax cuts during his Presidency. If you don't pay taxes, you probably won't like the article or Fleischer's suggestions.

President Obama has been preaching that the wealthy should be paying their "fair share" of taxes. Sounds good as he reads it from a teleprompter and sounds all Robin Hoodish and all but he cleverly doesn't define what "fair share" actually means. Currently 10% of Americans pays 70% of the taxes. Fleischer asks should it be 75% or maybe 95%? I wonder where it ends. I think we collapse before it gets there. What do you think?

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